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How to Make the Most of Your About Page


Content Creation, Content Marketing, Website Copy

“So…tell me a little about yourself.”

Look, it’s everyone’s favorite question to be asked in interviews, orientation days at schools, or on first dates! If you’re the average person, you probably panic or completely blank out when you think of how to answer. And start sweating profusely.

Unless you’re someone cool and collected like Elle Woods.

If only we had Elle’s (and Bruiser’s) self-confidence all the time.

Luckily, when you have to talk about yourself on your website, you have time to organize your thoughts, and you don’t have to speak out loud in front of other people. Your About page on your website can do a lot for your business, which is why you need to make the most of it.

Why you should pay attention to your About page

What can your About page do for you, exactly? Are people even reading it?

We promise you that, yes, most people thinking about buying from your online shop, hiring you for your services, or supporting your nonprofit will check out your About page. They want to be sure that their time or money invested in you will be worth it.

If that’s why people are checking your About page, then you need one that:

  • Explains what you do or what you offer for the people visiting
  • Builds trust
  • Tells people why you’re qualified/how you can help them/why they should bother spending any more time on your site
  • Explains what next step to take

Despite the name, a great About page isn’t really all about you. Misleading, right? But the truth is, it’s not all about where you’re from or how you #LiveForCoffee. Yes, you can drop a fun fact or two in the copy, but your About page should really focus on the person who is reading it.

What problems do they have that you can solve with your biz? What shared values, goals, or interests might you have with them? Why should they choose you over your competitors? Latasha’s recommendation for About page headlines is as follows:

The transformation you provide + the people you provide it for

Example: Tech guidance and planning for small business owners who don’t have time to research it all for themselves

Now that we know what your About page should be doing and why, let’s talk about how you can craft a killer page that keeps readers on your website.

Write in your own voice

This is a given. Your About page needs to sound like you, whether that means “you” personally or “you” as your brand. 

Your About page should be easy to understand. Avoid using industry buzzwords, confusing jargon, or “catchy” lingo that sounds exciting but actually does nothing to explain what you offer. (Can you tell this is a huge pet peeve of ours?) Someone completely new to your industry should be able to understand what you offer as soon as they read your page.

Being clear and concise about what you offer is a top priority, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it without personality! Don’t be afraid to show it off with a word choice here or a sentence there. 

Jess here! Latasha’s bio on our About page is a great example, particularly this sentence: 

“From writing an entire nuts and bolts catalog (yes, really) to helping 6-figure coaches launch their next offer, I’ve been around the writer’s block a few times.”

In this one sentence, she shares examples of past work, shows off her versatility and talent for different writing projects, and gives the reader a sense of her personality. A bland, boring sentence without personality might read something like: 

“Over the years, I have written pieces such as product catalogs and launch copy for clients in various industries.”

See the difference? Yes, this example gets the job done, but it’s lacking a little flair. If it makes sense for your brand and audience, throw a little spice into the copy on your About page.

Keep it short and sweet

We’re writers, so we love stories and storytelling, especially when it’s done well. What we don’t love is an About page that goes on…and on…and on.

The harsh truth? People are more interested in themselves than other people are interested in them. Someone reading your About page does not need a five-paragraph essay. They’ll skim it, start reading it and bounce after they notice the length, or just nope out of your website immediately.

Your About page checklist

Use this checklist to make sure you have all the essential info on your About page:

  • You have a page that’s actually called “About Me” or “About Us.” Don’t try to be clever and call it something like “Get the Scoop” or “Learn More” or “The Brand.” You’ll just make your readers work harder to find the page, and probably piss them off.
  • Your name or business name is on the page. Duh.
  • You have a photo of yourself…but only if you’re comfortable with that. This is optional for privacy’s sake. Photos may help people remember your name and what you do. They can also reassure potential customers that you’re a real person and legit business.
  • Your credentials and social media links are there. Maybe people want to tweet something on your blog, look up who you work with on LinkedIn, or see more behind-the-scenes content of your biz on your Instagram. Make your links available.
  • You explain what you do, what your offer does for your website visitors, and what next step they should take (like filling out your contact form).
  • Your copy is direct, simple, and easy to understand.
  • Your copy sounds like you, minus any jargon or industry-speak. Leave that to Elle.
Reese Witherspoon Legal Jargon GIF

Ready to tackle your About page?

Follow our tips and use our checklist, and you’ll come up with a solid About page that benefits your biz and your website visitors. And no, we’re not going to give you an About page template — you can create content that feels unique to you, your brand, and your audience without it. We have faith in you.

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