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Is Your Audience Not Listening? Here’s How to Get Their Attention


Content Creation, Content Marketing, Content Planning

You ever put content out into the universe only to be met with…silence? It’s awkward AF, right?

Aubrey Plaza Mic Check GIF

Then, you’re just constantly left wondering, “Is anyone even listening to me?!” And while that’s a fair question to ask, we suggest trying this one instead:

Am I talking to the right people the right way?”

Even though the internet is a bottomless pit and the Instagram algorithm sucks, your content shouldn’t always be met with crickets. If it is, chances are you’re not resonating with your target audience. Eek.

So, how do you get your audience to pay attention? By creating content that’s tailored to them. What a wild concept, huh?

While it isn’t exactly rocket science, tailoring content to your audience actually takes some time and effort. But with a little bit of both, you can start speaking to people who are ready to listen. Here are a few ways to get your audience to actually listen to you.

Really understand your target audience

Before you develop any content or copy, you should have a solid understanding of your target audience. AKA: your ideal customers and dream clients. If you don’t know anything about them, it’s time to do some research and study up.

Think of people who would want to buy your product or service and those who would be interested in buying it. Then, learn everything you can about them. Answer questions like:

  • What are their wants and needs?
  • What are their likes and dislikes?
  • What problems or challenges do they have (that you can help solve)?
  • How do your experiences relate to their experiences?

Soapbox moment: However you choose to approach your target audience, do us a favor: Don’t call them avatars. We know it’s quirky marketing lingo, but your audience consists of actual human beings — not characters. You need to talk to them, not at them. 

Use what you know 

Now that you know more about your target audience, it’s time to use that knowledge to appeal to them. This includes a mix of smart design and thoughtful content and copy. Whether you’re talking to your audience through social media, landing pages, or your website, make sure you demonstrate an understanding of who they are. Relate to them, empathize with them, and use your badassery to help them!

Tailor everything to them, not you

Whenever you’re writing copy or creating content, remember that it’s for your audience — not you. So, what sounds or looks good to you may not always resonate with your target audiences. Hell, it might not even reach your audience in the first place. Here’s what we mean:

Be mindful of factors that influence how your audience engages with content. Factors like:

  • Their preferred device. Is your target audience more likely to engage with your content on their phones or desktop computers? Your landing pages and content should cater to both, but be extra mindful of the design based on how your audience will see it.
  • How they use websites and social media. Do they research things through Google or social media? Do they prefer Facebook over Instagram? Are they more likely to read emails over social posts? Find out where your audience hangs out the most and meet them where they are — don’t wait for them to come to you.
  • Their tech-savvy-ness. Is your audience proficient in technology, or do they need things to be as simple as possible? Use this to inform design and content, like menu button placement, images vs. videos, text size, etc.

Speak in a language they will understand

Finally, when it comes to your actual content and copy, make sure your audience will understand it. Because, again, what sounds good to you may not make sense to them. Don’t forget to consider additional factors, like your audience’s:

  • Age range
  • Location
  • Motivation
  • Industry experience
  • Background and education

Use all of this to help inform your brand’s voice and tone — crafting a language that your audience will understand while staying true to your business. Is your content more relaxed? Buttoned up? Does it include emojis and GIFs? (If it doesn’t, it should.) Bottom line: You can’t create content without a strategy and expect your audience to magically listen. Make sure you know who you’re talking to and what they need and want from you. And above all, talk to your audience like they’re actual human beings. Because — spoiler alert — they are!

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