As content creators, we can’t help but crush on other company’s brand voices. The creativity, the humor, the messaging — lots of brands are nailing it these days, and we have nothing but admiration for them.
So, as a follow-up to our blogs about kickass brand voices we love, we’re sharing even more examples to swoon over. We hope they’re just as inspirational to you as they are to us! And if they aren’t, then YOU CAN’T SIT WITH US.

Body inclusivity? Check. Photos with no retouching? Check. Diversity and representation? Check and check.
Aerie — which is the sister company to American Eagle — goes well beyond selling clothing and accessories. They have an entire section of their website dedicated to empowerment, with tons of helpful articles about self-care, health, body positivity, #AerieREAL ambassadors, and sooo much more.
Their ultimate goal? Power, positivity, and keeping it #REAL. And we #REALLY stan.

If you love scoring amazing deals, allow us to introduce Woot!. They’re always hip with the memes (that’s something the kids say, right?) and have a crude sense of humor that makes us snort with laughter. Or wheeze, in Latasha’s case.
In addition to selling hella cute stuff, uses its platform to drive mental health awareness and crush the stigmas that surround it. Posted proudly and prominently on their homepage, states that they ‘exist to help you be your best,’ and believe that we should all put ourselves first. What’s not to love about that?
Also, we can’t help but drool over their masterful brand look and feel — it’s bright, it’s soothing, it’s joyful, and it emulates everything they stand for. Speaking of, isn’t afraid to take a stance on significant movements, like Black Lives Matter and Stop Asian Hate. We solely believe that companies should express their opinions, which is another reason this one is high on our list of favorites.

Frida Baby
Oh, baby! Where do we even start with this company?! There is just SO MUCH GOOD going on here.
First, we love the fact that Frida puts parents first. It highlights the not-so-sexy aspects of parenthood — dirty butts, boogers, and everything in between. We also love that it opens the door to conversations about parenting that aren’t happening enough, like postpartum recovery, sleep deprivation, and struggles with breastfeeding. To top it all off, Frida makes products to actually help parents navigate these struggles (instead of just talking about it)! And the product names are hella cute, too.
Also, we have to give a shoutout to some of their Instagram posts, which include:
- Punny rap lyrics (‘Bath that thang up’)
- Hilarious cultural references (Watergate Scandal, LOL)
- Captions that every parent wants to say (“Go the f*ck to sleep”)
I mean, COME ON!

If you’re not familiar, Slack is a messaging platform that tons of companies and business owners use. And, honestly, Slack could have left it at that. But they didn’t, and that’s why we love ‘em.
First, they’re all about boundary-setting and adaptability when it comes to working. And we certainly can’t disagree with that stance. With empathetic messaging and brand-new features to support, Slack makes it clear that it’s a tool that’s there to help you — not get in the way of your job.
Slack has also fully embraced the fact that our workforce may never look the same post-pandemic. Their messaging caters to all types of workers — in-office, flex, and at-home — to ensure you can stay connected (and productive!).
Other things we love about Slack:
- Cohesive brand look and feel
- Illustrations
- Inclusivity
- Bright + fun animations

Frank Body
If you’ve never met Frank, he’s a skincare company that started with a coffee scrub and has evolved into an entire line of natural products for the face, body, and hair. And yes, we said ‘he,’ because this company’s entire brand voice is from the first-person perspective of Frank — a man who frequently calls you ‘babe’ and makes dirty puns.
We find this brand voice incredibly unique because it genuinely feels like Frank talks to you and only you. Beyond that, he helps people embrace body features like cellulite, stretch marks, and acne — all the physical qualities most of us are taught to hate. And it’s all done in a way that’s playful, supportive, and sexy: a combination we never thought we’d use to describe a brand voice. Yet, here we are.
Oh, we can’t forget to mention that Frank Body is all about body inclusion, diversity, sustainability, and vegan and cruelty-free products. To say we’re hot for Frank is an understatement.

More honorable mentions
We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention a few of our other favorite kickass brand voices we love.
Netflix Is A Joke
Uncensored thoughts about our favorite shows? Yes, please!

Helps pay for dog surgeries, censors the words ‘heck’ and ‘heckin,’ shares pictures of dogs…does it get any more fucking adorable?

We love their up-beat personality, customer service, and comforting way with words. And, of course, it’s all about PETS!
Feeling inspired? Learn how to find your own brand voice so you can become a kickass example, too!