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The Importance of Post-Purchase Emails


Content Marketing

Your launch is over…what now?

Yeah…not so fast. We know you want to celebrate your success and then assess how everything went. But in all the hoopla, don’t forget about your clients and customers who actually helped make your launch or promotion a success. 

Make sure they feel appreciated and have the chance to offer their honest feedback. And don’t forget to support them as they work through what they bought. That’s where post-purchase emails come in. 

Not sure what they are or how to use them? That’s what we’re here for, babes! Read on!

Why post-purchase emails matter

You just sent out tons of emails promoting your launch. Do you really need to send more after making the sale? Yes! And here’s why…

#1: Your clients and customers don’t want to be ghosted

Skipping out on them gives people the impression that you’re only communicating with them for a sale. Ick. Nobody likes to feel expendable or used. We’re not down with ghosting — unless it’s in our favorite books and movies, that is.  

#2: They help your brand stay top of mind

If your communications stop after someone makes a purchase, you’re also missing out on opportunities to interact with your email list. And that can make people forget about you. 

Yes, sometimes that forgetfulness is due in part to overcrowded inboxes…but it’s not about being the loudest or most talkative one in there. It’s about providing the most value. 

(Also, think about how many times you forgot you bought something cuz you just got busy. Mhmm. Which reminds me, I have a course about typography sitting in my email inbox. Oopsies!)

#3: They nurture your buyers, too

Post-purchase emails have a lot of potential for nurturing your buyers. You start to build a connection with them, so even though they know they like what you offer (they did buy from you, after all), they may decide they want more. 

They feel cared about — and a lot of people are compelled to keep on buying/working with businesses they know, like, and trust

But you need things like post-purchase emails to help you get there. The sale DOES NOT stop when they buy. So let’s look at how you can make it happen, cap’n. 

What to include in your post-purchase email sequence

All right, now that we’ve convinced you to send those post-sale messages, let’s talk about what they should actually say.

Thank you emails 

This is pretty much a confirmation email but with a little more razzle-dazzle. You don’t just want to tell your clients/customers that they’re all signed up, or that you’ve got their order in the system. Show them your appreciation, too!

Not only is it nice to hear, but it’s also a great opportunity to showcase your brand voice and add some personality. We love personality! 

Educational materials and resources

You can extend the conversation by sending your clients educational materials, resources, tips, and best practices to help them out. And that goes for any business, no matter what you offer. 

Here are a few examples: 

  • For courses: Send out an email showing people how to log in to access their course, where to start, best practices as they work through it, and places where they can get their questions answered if applicable. 
  • For coaching: Send an email showing people what they can expect for their first coaching session. You could include a list of sample questions, an overview of the topics you may discuss, and anything they should have prepared ahead of time. 
  • For digital products: Like courses, you can show them how to access their product and how to work through it. 
  • For product-based business: Show them all the ways they can use your product or how other people are using it in ways they may not be thinking of.

You could also point them to other resources on your blog, podcast, or YouTube channel.

Check in on your clients and customers

A little care goes a long way in building connections. So make sure you’re popping in to see how things are going! You can see if they have any questions or are getting stumped on anything, and just get a general vibe check in terms of feedback. 

Ask for their opinion

Speaking of feedback…ask your clients and customers for it! A quick and simple email asking them to share their opinion gives you an opportunity to see what your audience thinks of your offer, in REAL TIME. 

You can see any areas of improvement you need to address or note the features people love (which you can use as a selling point in your marketing). All from just one email asking them to speak their mind!

This is a great opportunity to ask them to leave a review, too. 

Offer upsells or downsells

Yes, we just spent the last however long talking about ways to avoid being salesy, but we are still talking business here!

Upsells (small pushes to a higher-ticket offer) and downsells (small pushes to lower-ticket offers) are great opportunities to make a sale!

Upsells will usually go alongside lower ticket offers — for example, showing them your course if they bought a digital product. 

Downsells, though typically used in email sequences for those who didn’t buy, can offer “companion products” when applicable. For example, if they bought a digital product, they might like a template to accompany it!

Of course, the disclaimer here is that you should only include an offer if it makes sense. Don’t upsell or downsell just because you can. Otherwise, it will come across as salesy! 

Have an upcoming launch or promotion? 

Launches are quite the mountain to tackle, especially when you’re doing it all solo. So…don’t. Let Uncanny Content help!

Through launch planning and strategy — and content and copy to go with it — we’ll help plan it all out from top to bottom so you can stay focused on whatever’s on your plate. 

Sound like a plan, stan? Get in touch here!

Ashton Hoot, Lead Copywriter + Dedicated Swiftie
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