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white dog with googly glasses

The People of Uncanny Content


Uncanny Update

If you’ve been with us for a while, you likely already know that we’ve done a full-blown feature about the pets of Uncanny Content. Because, to be honest, we prefer pets to most people.

But it wasn’t until a few months after we posted that when Jess realized we’ve done an entire blog post about our pets… but not about the actual humans who do the work for Uncanny Content (and take care of said pets). Which is actually pretty on-brand for us. 

david schitts creek yup gif

So, without further ado — and literally zero prompting — here are the people of Uncanny Content: the writers, creators, thinkers, designers, organizers, meme sharers, and group of talented women who make up this amazing team.

Latasha Doyle

Owner of Uncanny Content, Leader of the Panic Attack Department

Latasha Doyle doing a power pose like the badass, beautiful business owner she is

About Latasha: I live in Colorado with my husband and our tiny domestic animal zoo. I started Uncanny Content after years of freelancing and I’m super proud of how this “thing” has grown. When I’m not working, you’ll probably find me reading cheesy paranormal fantasy, watching it, or thinking about it. I also ride my e-bike to see my friends’ babies almost daily.

Biggest pet peeve: Just one? Woof. Let’s go with people talking about their goals when you know they’re not going to follow up on them or even try to make them happen. 

One fun fact: I’ve been on an aircraft carrier while it took off from the deck. Scariest and coolest day of my life.

Jessica Hammons

Writer and Meme Enthusiast

Jess Hammons serving a smize that would make Tyra Banks run for the hills

About Jess: I’m a Florida transplant living in Colorado with my husband, newborn son, and floofy cat. When I’m not putting my bachelor’s in technical communication to use writing for Uncanny Content, you’ll probably find me reading, watching Netflix, baking, going on an easy hike, scrolling through Instagram, or trying out a new brewery or food truck.

What she loves about working on the UC team: I get to research and write about all sorts of topics, from state law to building a good website to managing money and more. For a geeky bookworm who loves to learn, this is heaven. Plus, our team is comprised of badass women and that’s awesome.

Biggest pet peeve: I have many, like people standing too close to me in line or chewing with their mouths open. (My inner-self is basically a grumpy old man.) Oh, and when people say “would of/should of/could of.” I hate it so much I convinced Latasha to let me write an entire blog post about it.

One fun fact: Latasha and I met when I was briefly working as a pet sitter and I took care of her fur babies! I reached out to her about freelance writing afterward, and the rest is history.

Kylie Hadden

Client Manager and Organizer of Latasha’s 1,000,000 projects 

Kylie Hadden being stunningly beautiful in front of a Christmas tree

About Kylie: I live just outside of Nashville, TN with my husband, 16-month-old wild toddler, a baby boy on the way, aaaand 4 dogs. Yes, we are crazy dog people. In my free time, I help run Rebellion Dog Rescue, which I co-founded in 2019 that focuses on pulling high-risk pups out of the shelter system to help them get into their forever homes. Between that and being able to help support the UC team, I can honestly without a doubt say I LOVE what I do. 

What she loves about working on the UC team: I loveeeee (did I say LOVE already!?) the business that Latasha has created and the way she so genuinely cares for her clients and team. The UC team is full of incredibly cool writers that care about their work and don’t let their egos get in the way. 

Biggest pet peeve: When people don’t return their shopping cart. Like, why? I will forever and always judge someone over that decision. 

One fun fact: I went to college for singing and thought I’d be performing for the rest of my days. I realized pretty soon after graduating that I actually don’t even like performing so it was a hard pass on that career choice. 😂

Ashley Blonquist

Writer and Math Enthusiast/Bad-Ass M.C.

Selfie of Ashley Blonquist who most definitely needs updated "professional" photos

About Ashley: I grew up in an incredibly small town in Northeast Kansas and eventually made my way to Kansas City, MO — a city I love to call home with my two-year-old pup, Collin. Before I threw myself into this whole writing thing, I was a news producer for nearly three years. But then I decided I wanted to have a higher quality of life (and longer life expectancy), so I quit the entire industry. Somehow, I got myself where I am today: a woman who loves spending time with friends and family, supporting local businesses, buying a ridiculous amount of plants, going to the dog park, exploring the city, traveling, sending GIFs, having a life/work balance, cursing, casting spells, and acting incredibly unprofessional every chance I get (betches).

What she loves about working on the UC team: Where do I even start? First and foremost, Latasha’s unwavering support, humor, humility, honesty, and overall badassery. Her unapologetic and ferocious approach to everything she does is just one of the reasons she kicks so much ass. And the fact that she’s committed to supporting other women in their business ventures? It just makes me love working on this team that much more. (And no, I was not paid or threatened to say any of that.)

Biggest pet peeve: Most drivers. Why don’t they use their blinkers? Why don’t they understand yield signs? Why do they always manage to fuck up a zipper merge? Why are they always on their phones and in my way? Why do they impede the left lane when it should only be used for passing?!

One fun fact: I recently discovered that I make a brief (and unnoticeable) appearance in a true crime documentary on Netflix.

Mackenzie Taylor (often referred to as Macky T by select people)

Crafter of the Social Medias

Mackenzie Taylor being incredibly cute and coy in an oversized sweater that only she can pull off

About Mackenzie: Body in St. Louis, MO. Heart in London. I love to work with small businesses to help them get their beautiful brands out there in the world (and to stop people like Jeff Bezos from taking over the world — he can take Mars instead). I am the ultimate Pisces where I cry at absolutely everything, especially the M&M I dropped on the ground yesterday that was lost to me forever. My passion is writing shitty poems into the Notes section of my phone and convincing everyone that Ted Lasso is my dream man (marry me?). 

What she loves about working on the UC team: What I love about the UC team is that I know they take work/life balance and mental health seriously: which are two things that I am actively working on getting better about giving myself (time off) and talking about (mental health). In a world that seems to only raise up those who are giving every ounce of themselves to work, it’s nice to work for a team that knows balance is healthy. Plus, it makes you WAY more creative when you come back to the writing at hand. 

Biggest pet peeve: When I can hear anyone while I’m working (lol this is so bad but I need dead silence to work). 

One fun fact: I’ve read Harry Potter fan fiction so much that I can’t even remember what really happened in the books vs. what happened in fiction. This is not a fun fact. This is a sad fact. Can we change this question?

Ashton Hoot

Lead Copywriter and Head of the Uncanny Taylor Swift Fan Club

About Ashton:

Dallas-born and raised but a nomad at heart. There’s nothing I love more than exploring, traveling, and trying new things. If I’m not writing and designing websites or running off to the beach somewhere, you can find me geeking out over languages, Taylor Swift, any and all kinds of wine, and my partner in crime, Roxy, my 5-year-old boxer/American bulldog mix. 

What she loves about working on the UC team: As a creative, freedom to perfect my craft is huge. I love what I do and I’m always looking for ways to get better at it. Uncanny Content has totally nurtured the creative spirit in me. And on top of that, I get to work with other people who love their jobs as much as I do, and it keeps the energy up. The leadership on this team is top-notch.

One fun fact: I can speak four languages — English and Spanish (fluently) and German and Italian (conversationally). Told ya I’m a language nerd. 

Erin Hammond

Ops Assistant and Resident Snack Critic

About Erin: I live in a small Texas town with my husband, newborn son, and pittie mix, Bogey. When I’m not working (and snacking), you can find me binge-watching HGTV House Hunters, napping, or reorganizing my house for the millionth time while jamming to 90’s country. I’m also looking forward to adding more travel (one of my biggest passions) to my to-do list very soon!
What she loves about working on the UC team: (Aside from everything) The UC team has changed the way I view work. I finally feel respected. Coming from a toxic corporate work environment, Uncanny has shown me that a business can be run successfully while also allowing flexibility and work/life balance for their team members.
One fun fact: I hate baked fruit (apple pie, yuck!), but love pineapple on my pizza.

Amanda Holland

Content Writer and Oxford Comma Apologist

Amanda Holland looking cute as heck exploring the great, mountainous outdoors

About Amanda: I live in the mountains of Colorado with my husband, two children, two dogs, and one cat. My degree is in applied mathematics and my first career was as a signals analyst for the Department of Defense. After having children, I switched to freelance writing so I could work from home. When I’m not working, I love reading, baking, and playing video games.

What she loves about working on the UC team: Interesting topics, awesome team members, and flexible schedules.

Biggest pet peeve: When people call instead of texting. Or leave voicemails instead of texting.

One fun fact: I make awesome homemade pizza.

Logan Russell

Content Writer and Selling Sunset lover

About Logan: A little bit boho, a little bit rock ‘n’ roll, and a whole lotta sass! That’s how most people would describe her. A lover of film, TV, and socially conscious art forms, Logan’s desire for expression brought her into the writing world at a young age. Since then, she’s built a career working for heart-centered entrepreneurs putting positivity and light out into the world. Her ultimate goal is to give voice to the voiceless and work with people who care about and are working to improve the world. Diversity, inclusiveness, and intersectional feminism are causes important to her, and she loves to work with people who feel the same. A resourceful go-getter and easygoing, proactive strategist, she’s constantly thinking of the next best thing — often with a bar of chocolate in hand!

What she loves about UC: Uhhhh… the people are absolutely AMAZING! Clients and coworkers alike, everyone’s kind, empathetic, conscientious, and truly cares about making the world a better place.

One fun fact: I’m absolutely addicted to Selling Sunset. Soapy drama wrapped up in a box with beautiful houses? Yes please!

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