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Uncanny Content Year in Review: 2022


Uncanny Update

Welp, it’s been another uncanny year for Uncanny Content. 

2022, you were batshit and crazy and wonderful and scary and challenging all at once, which is actually pretty impressive if you don’t count all the times we considered burning everything down and running away together as a team. 

And while we have no idea what’s in store for 2023 (besides more batshit craziness), we can’t help but celebrate the hell out of the monumental year that was 2022 and all the growing our team did. 

Alas, here’s a look at all the accomplishments and celebrations we’re completely giddy over. And if you’ve been a part of it, a huge fucking thanks to you, boo.

We added more badass people to our crew

In 2022, Uncanny Content officially hired five (holy shit!) people to join the team. Over the past year, we’ve added two full-timers and three part-timers to the crew – all of whom are badass women who embrace and contribute to our inclusive environment and are here to create some kickass solutions for our clients. Speaking of which…

We helped more badass female and non-binary business owners

We continued to keep shitty people at bay and embrace those we love to help most: fellow female and non-binary business owners. In fact, we welcomed 13 new clients in 2022 – which is so unbelievably exciting. 

Our goal with every client we work with is to act as an extension of their team to provide the strategies, content, and sass to help them succeed. From full-blown launch strategies to content management and everything in between, we made shit happen for our clients – because they made shit happen for us, too.

We hit our ‘holy shit’ revenue goals


We hit our revenue goal in August this year. That’s only eight months into the year. And even better than that?

We hit what Latasha refers to as ‘our big scary goal’ in October – just two months later. This is the goal that ‘shoots for the stars,’ if you will. The goal that looks scary AF on paper, and, quite frankly, unattainable.

But guess what? That shit was ATTAINED. And in more than enough time before the end of the year, allowing Latasha to do a quick reel on Instagram (and maybe a tequila shot?) before getting right back to work. Because that’s just how she do. (And clearly, it’s working.).

We became more rooted in our mission, vision, and culture

As long as we have been Uncanny Content, we have ONLY worked with women and non-binary folks, and we doubled down on this mission in 2022. We are more committed than ever to creating a culture of and supporting amazing women who have kids, disabilities, mental health needs, and more.

Why? Because these people make a difference in their businesses. It’s not just about profit — it’s about autonomy and expression. They believe in sharing ideas, not stealing them. Not benefiting from them individually but rather collectively.

Uncanny Content believes in the power of putting more money in the hands of women and non-binary individuals. Because, in many instances, financial autonomy is one of the few things we have any semblance of influence over. Quick shoutout fuck you to SCOTUS!

We also believe that by helping these amazing peeps showcase their ideas, offers, and products, we level the playing field.

Latasha started a(nother) full-service agency (because she’s a genius/masochist)

Latasha, being the genius/masochist she is, started Rendezvous Creative with fellow badass women who share the same passions and beliefs:

Together, they offer full-service brand development, including: 

  • Offer ideation
  • Coaching
  • Branding
  • Website design
  • Copy + content strategy
  • Back-end operations

If you want to support another badass, women-owned business, show them some love @rendezvous.creative

We started booking out for 2023

Because of the crazy busy year we had, we started booking out into the new year. And now that we’re here, you can get on our list starting in March 2023.

We cannot wait for what the next year has in store (well, maybe we can), but we do know one thing: If you’re looking for a safe, inclusive, and smart as fuck team to grow your business, Uncanny Content is ready to make that happen. 

Cheers to 2023! Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have some more celebratory shots to take.

Happy Hour Drinking GIF

Ashley Blonquist, Uncanny Content Writer and Math Enthusiast/Bad-Ass M.C.
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