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On top of her daily work as a Certified Financial Planner™, Hannah is passionate about money + marriage. We helped with the launch of her budgeting system, BudgetingBlocks™, designed to help couples see their money in a whole new light.
Before working with Uncanny Content, Hannah had a rough design and rough copy for her BudgetingBlocks™ mockup. As she got closer to ordering her products, and after working closely with a product designer, Hannah needed content and copy that showcased the brand, the function of her product, and offered clarity in instruction. An instruction manual and copy for the box were immediately needed. Over the course of 3 months, launch copy was also built out to ensure a smooth and branded launch for January 2020.
Upon finalizing the instructional guide, box copy, and other assets needed to go along with the box design, the BudgetingBlocks™ were ordered. To sell 2,000 BudgetingBlocks™, Uncanny Content (as part of the Everyday Money team) needed to create social media content, wait lists, emails, sales pages, and even a budgeting challenge to lead up to the launch. All content and copy created matches the brand voice, audience needs, and the overall goal — to sell 2,000 boxes of BudgetingBlocks™.