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The Marketing Machine: How We Produce Strategic Content and Copy for Clients


Content Marketing

What happens when a new client decides to work with us? Do we wave our magic wands and beautiful, on-brand copy and content appear? LOL no. 

In a nutshell, we take their idea, transform it into an actionable project, get the right people on the job for each task, and make each content piece near-perfect before the client sees it again. It’s a lot, but it’s also what we love to do. Read on for a more detailed breakdown of our strategic content and copy process!

Content marketing isn’t just writing blogs

There’s more to content marketing than writing blogs, folks. We’ve said this so many times but you know what? The myth persists. So we’ll keep saying it over and over, ad nauseum. 

Content marketing goes beyond blogs because “content” is so much bigger than one type of writing. Content includes:

  • Everything you need for a launch
  • Weekly, biweekly, or monthly email newsletters
  • Testimonials
  • Ads
  • Social media posts and videos
  • Podcasts and YouTube videos
  • Everything on your website
  • Memes
  • Images and graphics
  • …and blog posts

Basically, content is everything you create for your audience. Which is why content marketing is important for businesses, and why we take it seriously (but still have fun with what we do). 

On top of creating content for our clients, we do so much more.

Talk it all out during a client discovery call 

Every new relationship with a client starts with a discovery call. And yes, even previous clients we’ve worked with before get discovery calls! It’s how we get a big picture view of what you’re looking for. It’s also how we determine how to move forward with a project.

Imagine you’re a new client on one of our calls. You get the opportunity to sit down with Latasha, our fearless leader, and talk about what you do, what you want to achieve with your business, what you struggle with, and how we can help. This ranges from a one-off quarterly content plan, ongoing full-service content management, and launch strategy for your next offer. 

You leave the call feeling hopeful, or excited, or maybe even relieved to have us help you out. We leave the call ready to figure out our next move.

Transform content strategy into an actionable project 

After a client discovery call ends, it’s time for Lauren and Latasha to break down the call notes, client goals, and strategy into a client project. 

Say you want to relaunch your website and get better engagement with your email subscribers and social media followers. Latasha might suggest auditing your website, rewriting key content and copy, refining your brand voice, and trying a new social and email strategy. 

Lauren would then figure out what kinds of emails to send and how often. What types of social posts and captions might work best with your audience. Where to start with your website for the most impact. Latasha layers in all the needed strategy aligned with your business goals and Lauren is creative and brilliant at executing ideas, which makes them such an amazing content strategy team.

Next up at bat? Our Ops team.  

Assign out each content piece

As someone who’s been part of the OG Uncanny team before it was called Uncanny, I can confidently say that we wouldn’t be able to create great content and copy without our Operations team. 

After Chynna joined Uncanny and implemented all these glorious SOPs and processes and tools, we felt like a whole new business. The transformation was incredible. She continues to improve the biz today by finding solutions to challenges we couldn’t even describe, helping us become more efficient, and generally making our team a well-oiled machine. She makes sure our internal processes allow us to tackle client projects smoothly.

With all those lovely processes in place, after Lauren works her strategy magic, Josie assigns all the tasks that make up a client project to the appropriate person. And there are a lot of tasks, y’all. It’s astounding. But because Josie is so detail-oriented, so good at juggling every part of a project and managing everyone involved, the rest of us know we’re in good hands.

Research, write, and design content and copy

At this point, your client project has been created. It’s been broken down into phases, sections, time-sensitive deliverables, goals, and so on. All the pieces of the project have been tasked to one of our copywriters: Amanda, Ashton, or Jess. (Hi!)

Our job titles may say “copywriter,” but we’re not limited to just writing copy. Ashton is also a talented graphic designer; as some of our current clients know, she can design the hell out of a sales page, social post, and marketing asset. Not to mention she’s the best at writing witty, bubbly content for our clients.

And Amanda? She’s taken on countless technical articles about finances, in-depth ebooks about apps, and a whole ass Black Friday marketing campaign. If you want someone who’ll thoroughly research your content topic, get all the facts straight, and craft a grammatically perfect piece of content, Amanda’s your gal. 

Yes, there’s also me, Jess. I’m sort of a jack of all trades. I work with clients who need persuasive, engaging content that attracts their ideal clients. I’ll write you a killer email sequence, a dope blog, or some fun, educational social posts. I do it all. Once we’re done writing though, we’re not done.

Review and edit content and copy  

Once Amanda, Ashton, or I have created your content or copy, it’s ready for review. 

Oftentimes it’ll be Latasha reviewing the piece, because she knows each client brand voice like the back of her hand, and she ensures it aligns with their content strategy and goals. But Lauren reviews content, too. And we writers also review each other’s work!

Along with brand voice, content strategy, and the goals for the content piece, we also check:

  • SEO
  • CTAs and hyperlinks
  • The overall flow of the piece
  • Accessibility
  • Whether it’s readable and skimmable
  • Whether the overall message, idea, or point of the piece is clear

Editing is a crucial step, and one that we never skip.

Schedule or send it on its way

Ta da! Your content is ready for you, hypothetical client! It’s in Erin’s capable hands, which means she gets the finished product to you on time. 

At this point, we’ve made it the best we can according to your instructions, your content strategy, and what we know about your business. But if you have a few suggestions for improvements, or notice something is missing, you can request edits. Josie will task out those edits, we writers will make them, they’ll get reviewed, and then sent to you for approval once more.

If you’re happy with it, it’s ready to go live! 

Erin can also schedule your newsletter, blog, or social media posts for you. She also makes sure that everything in your content looks good and works. Formatting, headers, links, buttons, GIFs…all of that takes more time than you’d imagine. She does this for multiple clients, all of which have their own systems, preferred tools, and spreadsheets. How does she not get overwhelmed remembering all these things? She’s an absolute pro.

Turn an idea into a strong, strategic piece of content for your biz

We’ve made it to the end! Thanks for joining this tour of the Uncanny Marketing Machine! Now you know how we do what we do for our clients and for our own brand. We hope it gave you more insight into our process, and showed you just how creative you (and we) can get from one content idea. Content marketing isn’t just blogging. And Uncanny isn’t just one person!

If you struggle with bringing a content idea to life for your biz, or you want a team of experts like us to tackle your copy, let’s chat. Tell us how we can help here.

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