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The Reason Your Launch Copy Didn’t Sell


Content Creation, Content Marketing, Content Planning

People come to us after their launch flops, saying they’re mad at their sales page copywriter for “Not having enough conversion copy experience.” Oh?

Kamala reaction GIF

Let us put this bluntly: You can have the world’s crappiest sales page with the world’s crappiest content. But if the offer is something people want, they’re still gonna pay for it.

So, is the actual issue with the sales copy? The offer? Or, did you fail to plan properly for your launch?

Yeah, we know that last one might hurt a little bit. But you can’t just appear out of thin air, launch a new product, and expect it to be a wild success (unless you’re Beyoncé. Bey, if you’re reading this, ILYSM).

With your next launch in mind, let’s stop pointing fingers at copywriters and talk about ways you can set everyone up for success.

How to prepare for a more successful launch

Social media teasers

If you want people to know about your upcoming launch, you have to take people along for the ride! Tap into Instagram Stories or IGTV to talk about the details — when it’s happening, the products rolling out, behind-the-scenes content, any special promotions you’re running…basically, all the good shit that’s going to get people to pay attention. A good launch copywriter can help you with social plans, but if you want direction on video or other strategies, work with a social media strategist, K!??

Email newsletters

If email marketing isn’t your thing, it’s time to get with the times. Your email newsletters should start two weeks — yes, two weeks — before you launch something. And they should seed the launch with things like:

  • A common problem you see in the industry (and how your product(s) can help)
  • A testimonial or request that led you to create this new offer
  • What you’ve learned over the last [X amount of time] in your business
  • A conversation you had where you shared expertise

Be open, be honest, and be real with your email subscribers — don’t just shout at them to buy your stuff. If you really want to gauge their interest in your next launch, create an offer or promo that’s exclusive to only them!

Solid social captions

Now that you have a solid email marketing strategy (and ideas for what to share pre-launch), it’s time to rinse and repeat on social media. Craft captions that do the same job as your emails: seed interest! (See the social media strategist comment from above, as well.)

Relevant blog posts

Whether you write brand-new posts or repurpose old content, you should also share blogs that align with your promotion. For example, if you’re selling a content strategy training, you should write and/or share blogs about content strategy. This helps show that you’re an expert in your field, building credibility and trust that’ll ultimately be helpful when it comes time for audiences to buy your stuff.

Hot tip: After your launch, go back and optimize related blog posts by adding links to your new products or services.

Podcasts or webinars 

One of the best ways to expand your audience? Using someone else’s platform to share your expertise — like securing guest spots on podcasts and webinars. But (and this is a big but(t)), we recommend you do this way in advance so that the episodes and webinars air at the same time as your launch. Smart, right? It’s almost like we’ve… done this for a while.

Affiliate programs 

If you have an affiliate program, make sure you’re using it for your launch, too! Supply your affiliates with swipe copy 1-2 weeks in advance and give them tips for sharing teasers and announcements. If you don’t have an affiliate program — no prob! Tap into your biz besties to have them share the exciting news with their followers (and don’t forget to return the favor in the future).

Learn from your previous launches (and be honest with yourself)

As our friend Nicole Boucher puts it, you need to review what went well (and what didn’t) during your last launch or promo. Was it actually the sales page that didn’t convert? Or did you not even drive people to the sales page in the first place?

Was it the offer? Or was it the fact that you haven’t shown up online in about four months?

Ask yourself these questions about your previous launches before your next one — and certainly before you point fingers at anyone else. Launches take a lot of work and a lot of strategy, so it’s important to take ownership of your role in everything to make it a raving success.

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